Histology Flash Cards

Objective:  To make 12 Flash Cards, with the tissue types indicated.  Side one of the card will include a drawing, in color, of the slide that you will view in class. 

You may use other resources, but remember, when you take the practical you will be looking at the slides that we're using in the class. 

Tissues for Slide Identification
Type Page in Text  Plates*
Simple Squamous Epithelium 121 1,2
Simple Cuboidal Epithelium 121 3
Simple Columnar Epithelium 122 4,5
Pseudostratified columnar Epithelium 122 6
Stratified Squamous Epithelium 123 7
hyaline cartilage 136 17
elastic cartilage 136 18
Bone 138 20
Blood 138 22
nervous 139 33
skeletal muscle 140 28
cardiac muscle 140 31
smooth muscle 141 32

*Plates are in the you textbook and a list of pages will be provided by your teacher.

Text Box: Place structure and picture on blank side. Be sure to identify magnification
Label the picture.
Use Color


Text Box: Name of Tissue 
Text Box: Description of the Tissue
Function of the Tissue
Where found in the body






Make sure pictures and information are detailed.